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Have YOU got some DAVID BOWIE related news or a hot scoop? Well don't just sit there keeping it to yourself - send it in to All news items are credited if you so wish[DOWNLOAD DAVID BOWIE MUSIC from Amazon]WONDERSTRUCK TRAILER1. October 2. 01. 7Check out the official new movie trailer for WONDERSTRUCK featuring DAVID BOWIE's 'Space Oddity'.. BBC WORLD SERVICE CATCH UP1. October 2. 01. 7If you missed the recent BBC WORLD SERVICE radio documentary DAVID BOWIE's "Heroes" 4.
Anniversary hosted by FLORENCE WELCH you can still catch it via the BBC i. Player for the next 2. Florence Welch, from the British band Florence + The Machine, marks the 4.
David Bowie's seminal "Heroes" LP by exploring the personal and musical factors that influenced the album's writing and recording in Berlin in 1. Florence will feature archive of the late David Bowie explaining why he chose to live and work in Berlin and the impact the city's history had on the masterpiece he created.
She'll also meet the album's producer Tony Visconti to get an insight to the unique recording techniques he employed to interpret Bowie's creative vision and how the characteristics of the famous Hansa Studios, which are situated in a huge former chamber music concert hall, contributed to the album's influential sounds. Iggy Pop, who was living with Bowie in Berlin during the recording of the album, recalls how a battle with drug addition, bankruptcy and a legal dispute with his ex wife for access to his son all provided inspiration for the album's lyrics and Brian Eno, who collaborated with David throughout the LP's recording, explains the unique musical structures he and David employed to compose the innovative songs. Berlin's radical cultural diversity had always fascinated Bowie and Florence will explain how the opportunity to live and work in the city during the turbulent political period prior to the fall of 'the Wall' provided the perfect austere environment for David and his collaborators to experiment with music inspired by several German techno bands of the 7. Neu!, Kraftwerk and Can. Visit bbc. co. uk to listen in. LATEST BW COMPETITION - 1.
DAYS REMAINING1. 2th October 2. Ten days remaining to enter.. Here's your chance to win ONE of THREE copies of 'EARTHBOUND: DAVID BOWIE AND THE MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH' by SUSAN COMPO, courtesy of Jawbone Press. This paperback, 2. October 2. 01. 7 via by Jawbone. Synopsis: 'Before there was Star Wars .. Close Encounters ..
The Man Who Fell To Earth.' - advertising tag line for 1. Earthbound is the first book- length exploration of a true classic of twentieth- century science- fiction cinema, shot under the heavy, ethereal skies of New Mexico by the legendary British director Nicolas Roeg and starring David Bowie in a role he seemed born for as an extraterrestrial named Thomas Newton who comes to Earth in search of water.
Based on a novel by the highly regarded American writer Walter Tevis, this dreamy, distressing, and visionary film resonates even more strongly in the twenty- first century than it did on its original release during the year of the US Bicentennial. Drawing on extensive research and exclusive first- hand interviews with members of the cast and crew, Earthbound begins with a look at Tevis's 1. Bowie, Buck Henry, Candy Clark, Rip Torn - later described by one of them (Henry) as 'not a cast but a dinner party.' It also seeks to uncover the mysteries surrounding Bowie's rejected soundtrack to the film (elements of which later ended up his groundbreaking 1. Low) and closes with a look at his return to the themes and characters of The Man Who Fell To Earth in one of his final works, the acclaimed musical production Lazarus. To enter the BW free prize draw, please visit BW COMPETITION NO. If you are entering the competition via the David Bowie Wonderworld Facebook page then please click on the LIKE PAGE button before entering.
Likewise, if you are entering via TWITTER please follow @bowieww. All entrants in this prize draw, will be issued internally with a number, and the THREE winners will be drawn at random. This prize draw competition is open to worldwide entries and ends at midnight (GMT) on Sunday 2. OCTOBER 2. 01. 7. If competitons aren't your thing, you can pre- order your copy NOW."HEROES" ANNOUNCEMENT UPDATE1. October 2. 01. 7davidbowie. Parlophone have made an announcement concerning the "HEROES" album contained in the 'A NEW CAREER IN A NEW TOWN (1.
While attempts were made to maintain the integrity of the issue that existed on the original master tape of the "Heroes" album, fans' concerns have been listened to and a new master is being created to replace the current one.'As soon as the new file is available, the digital versions will be updated and those of you who would like a replacement "Heroes" album will be eligible for one. Further details on how to obtain your replacement CD and/or vinyl will follow in due course. In the meantime please retain your proof of purchase. Thank you for your continued patience and sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused.'MY BOWIE STORY BOOK SEES THE LIGHT9th October 2. Just published is MY BOWIE STORY: MEMORIES OF DAVID BOWIE by DALE K. PERRY (ISBN: 9. 78. You may recall this special Bowie fan book project last October asking for contributors.
Try Flow, only on Deezer. Listen to your music, when and where you want. Discover more than 43 million tracks, create your own playlists, and share your favourite. The latest fragrance by the house of Lancome, Tresor Midnight Rose is announced as a seductive edition, successor to the last year's edition Tresor In.
Now, after a lengthy 1. Synopsis: Dale K. Perry can still picture herself at a shopping centre at age twelve, pooling her money with her best friend so they could buy the album with that 'Space Oddity' song. A few years later, she went to her first Bowie concert, and even though she arrived to discover her seat was behind the stage, it didn't matter: She was in the same building as David Bowie. In 'My Bowie Story', she teams up with sixty other storytellers to look back on more than four decades of memories featuring Bowie. Filled with heartfelt stories and photographs, the fans describe how Bowie's music, personas, and creativity changed their lives.
The eighty- five stories also offer a glimpse of Bowie's kindness as he interacted with his admirers while relating the impact his message had on the sexuality, education, and the lifelong achievements of multiple generations. Time Toys Movie Watch Online. From Space Oddity to Blackstar, the tales include personal encounters with Bowie and offer deep insights that longtime fans and those just discovering his brilliance will cherish. Containing 3. 92 pages, the book is available in softcover or e- book (at i. Universe, Amazon, B& N) and will make a wonderful holiday gift for all the Bowie fans in your life. You can purchase My Bowie Story: Memories of David Bowie NOW via Amazon or direct from the publishers i.
Universe website. Note: All royalties from the sale of 'My Bowie Story' will be donated to charity in memory of David Bowie. You can download the [official press release] and [flyer] on these links. On behalf of Dale, a huge thank you to everyone who participated in this special charity project.'DAVID BOWIE IS' VISITING BROOKLYN4th October 2. The DAVID BOWIE IS exhibition is visiting the BROOKLYN MUSEUM in New York. The exhibition runs from Friday 2nd MARCH 2. Sunday 1. 5th JULY 2.
Located on: Morris A. Meyer Schapiro Wing and Iris and B.
Gerald Cantor Gallery, 5th Floor, 2. Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, New York 1. Watch Creation Full Movie. USA. Special tickets are on sale now. Standard Tickets go on sale from Wednesday, 1.
November at 1. 1. EST. Museum open every day, except Mondays and Tuesdays. The Brooklyn Museum presentation is organised by Matthew Yokobosky, Director of Exhibition Design, Brooklyn Museum. Sound experience by Sennheiser. Lead sponsorship for this exhibition is provided by Spotify.